Wyandanch Village
Beginning in 2011 with the RFP process and continuing over more than a decade BHC has been involved in the planning, design and construction administration of Wyandanch Village. We have worked to satisfy the needs of our client the Albanese Organization, as well as the Town of Babylon, the County of Suffolk and numerous stakeholders to help transform this 40 acre site into a Live, Work and Play Transit Oriented Community in the heart of Long Island. The North section is planned around a green Station Plaza with a Public Ice Skating rink. The South Section will include a Central Lawn.
The development’s progress is detailed by the Urban Land Institute in their November 2020 Case Study, which describes the RFP, the ‘developer idea’; the approval process and the financing methodology. Some of the special features include the new Station House, the Parking Garage and the Rail Improvements.
For more information on the individual buildings herein (10 Station Drive, 40 Station Drive, 11 Park Drive and Building L) and others like it, visit our mixed use and multi-family page by clicking the links above.
to learn more about Wyandanch Village, please visit their website: www.wyandanchvillage.com